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Paola Giorgis teaches English Language, Literature and Visual arts in Italian high schools and holds a PhD in Anthropology of Education and Intercultural Education. Her main interest regards a critical, intercultural and interdisciplinary approach to foreign languages and Foreign Language Education able to develop an awareness on words and languages in the direction of transformation and change. Within such a framework, she integrates theoretical references, practices and research to show how languages inform individual and collective identities and representation, and how they can both serve processes of manipulation and domination, as well as those of empowerment and emancipation. Contact: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. |
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Giorgia Peano è dottoressa di ricerca in Antropologia dell’educazione e Pedagogia interculturale. Ha condotto ricerche etnografiche in contesti educativi multiculturali su cui ha pubblicato alcuni articoli e un saggio. Ha partecipato al Progetto europeo INESTRom conducendo una ricerca etnografica tra bambini rom xoraxanè e dassikanè in una scuola di Torino. Collabora con l’Università di Torino, presso la quale conduce un laboratorio di Pedagogia interculturale e insegna presso la scuola primaria Aurora (Torino), continuando a sperimentare percorsi educativi e didattici interculturali volti all’inclusione sociale.
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Isabella Pescarmona is Assistant Professor of Education at the Philosophy and Education Department, University of Turin (Italy), where she holds a PhD in Intercultural Education and Anthropology of Education. Her main interests of research are educational innovation, cooperative learning (Complex Instruction), Social Justice and early childhood education in multicultural contexts. She investigates these themes by adopting an intercultural approach and by using an ethnographic methodology. She was a Secondary High School teacher and collaborates with public schools and no-profit organizations in training teachers and educators. She has published a monograph and several articles in International Journals on education. She received a Distinguished Dissertation Award in 2010 (IASCE International Award for Outstanding Thesis in the field of Cooperation in Education). She participates to many international conferences and is affiliated to several international associations of cooperative and intercultural studies in education. She is co-founder and member of wom.an.ed. Contact: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
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Rebecca Sansoé è dottoressa di ricerca in Antropologia dell’Educazione. Ha svolto numerose ricerche etnografiche sui percorsi di inserimento delle giovani generazioni di immigrati e figli di immigrati, su cui ha pubblicato saggi e articoli. Attualmente si occupa di comunicazione, formazione professionale e contesti lavorativi.
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Elisa Sartore ha recentemente conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Antropologia dell'Educazione discutendo una tesi sulla valenza pedagogica interculturale di comporre una storia e critica degli approcci alla diversità culturale. La formazione eterogenea (tra Pedagogia, Riabilitazione Sociale e Antropologia), l’attività professionale svolta in contesti diversi (Università, Scuole, Comunità Terapeutiche) e gli interessi personali (Teatro, Fotografia e Documentario Sociale) la spingono alla costante ricerca di una via per raccontare realtà e protagonisti tradizionalmente considerati “minori”.
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Federica Setti is a teacher of Italian as foreign language and holds a PhD in Anthropology and Education at the University of Turin. Her research interests include Romani studies; Cultural Anthropology and Anthropology of Death. She carried out long-term ethnographies focused on the history of intercultural relationships between majority societies and minorities. Her last publication is In A Matter of Perspectives. Ethnography of Education and of the Relation between Sinti and non-Sinti (2015, CISU: Rome).
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